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i am ready to achieve my health and well

Maintain your independence
Gain peace of Mind

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Independence is one of the greatest joys that life gives us and

keeping that independence is key for healthy aging.


Our senior concierge services help our clients to maintain their independence

while giving their families and loved ones peace of mind

how can we help you?

Organization: Creating an activity schedule to keep you on track with your daily tasks


Errands: Picking up and dropping off mail, grocery shopping, personal shopping, picking up prescriptions, returning items to the store, etc.

Community Activities: Getting out of the house and doing activities that you enjoy


Fitness: Getting the recommended dosage of activity/steps each week (i.e. walks outside or completing their household to do list) and tracking activity using a Fitbit


Nutrition: Checking in on general nutrition needs to ensure healthy aging


Brain Health: Engaging in positive brain activities through Lumosity to challenge memory, attention, decision making and much more

its easy to get started!  

1. Choose your package



2. meet your concierge






3. Maintain your Independence

12 hours per month: includes brain games

16 hours per month: includes brain games, an easy to follow monthly budget

20 hours per month: includes

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